
可追溯农产品额外成本承担意愿研究 被引量:8

Study on Farmers' Willingness to Bear Additional Cost for Traceable Agriculture Production
摘要 农户是农产品安全生产的责任主体,农户生产可追溯农产品必然增加额外生产成本。农户对可追溯农产品额外成本承担意愿非常关键。本文实证研究了446位蔬菜种植农户对"基本可追溯蔬菜"、"增加父母信息的可追溯蔬菜"和"经政府专业机构认证的可追溯蔬菜"三种不同类型的可追溯蔬菜的额外成本承担意愿,并运用Multivariate Probit Model(MVP)计量模型,研究了影响农户对三种类型可追溯蔬菜额外成本承担意愿的主要因素。研究结果显示,农户对三种类型可追溯蔬菜愿意承担的额外成本分别为不高于总成本的2.41%、2.18%和3.34%,对"基本可追溯蔬菜"的认可度和额外成本承担水平高于更加高级的"增加父母信息的可追溯蔬菜",并对"经政府专业机构检验认证的可追溯蔬菜"额外成本具有最高的承担愿意。学历、蔬菜种植规模与垂直一体化程度是影响农户对可追溯蔬菜额外成本承担意愿的共同因素,而农户的年龄、家庭农业收入,对蔬菜可追溯体系的认知,是否实施无公害、绿色或有机蔬菜等质量认证工作等变量,不同程度地显著影响其额外成本的承担意愿。本文的研究结论表明,应当首先推动初级蔬菜可追溯体系(如本文中的"基本可追溯蔬菜")的普及,随后逐步选择年龄较轻、学历较高、蔬菜种植规模较大、参与农业企业或专业合作组织的农户实施更高级的蔬菜可追溯体系(如本文中的"增加父母信息的可追溯蔬菜")。农户记录的可追溯信息是否需要经过政府专业机构的检验认证,由农户根据成本与收益的考虑自行选择,可以增加蔬菜可追溯体系的普及率。 The farmers are the source of production of safe agricultural production. Farmers that participate in traceability will increase the additional cost of production. Therefore, farmers' awareness of the traceability of agricultural products and willingness to bear additional production cost are the key factors. We investigate farmers willingness to bear additional cost of three different types of traceable vegetable, namely 'basic traceable vegetables', 'add parents' information based on basic traceable vegetables' and 'traceable vegetables with all information certified by government professional organizations' through a questionnaire survey of 446 vegetable planting farmers. We apply Multivariate Probit Model(MVP) to estimate the main factors which affect farmers' willingness to bear additional cost of three types of traceable vegetable. The results showed that, farmers' willingness to bear additional cost of three types of traceable vegetable are not higher than 2.41%, 2.18% and 3.34% of the total cost respectively. Farmers' recognition and willingness to bear additional cost for ' basic traceable vegetables' is higher than the level of more advanced ' add parents' information based on basic traceable vegetables'. The additional cost which farmers are willing to bear for 'traceable vegetables with all information certified by government professional organizations' is the highest one. Education degree, vegetable planting scale, and degree of vertical integration are the same significant factors. Farmers' age, family farm income, cognition of vegetable traceability system , and whether implement pollution-free, green or organic vegetable certification have varying degrees of significant effect on farmers' willingness to bear additional cost for traceable vegetable. Our result shows that, we should first promote the popularization of primary vegetable traceability system ( such as the ' basic traceable vegetables' ), and then gradually choose younger farmers with higher education, larger vegetable growing areas, participate in agricultural enterprises or specialized cooperative organizations to implement more advanced vegetable traceability system ( such as the ' add parents' information based on basic traceable vegetables' ). Farmers will decide whether traceability information needs to be certified by the government organizations or not according to their production cost and benefit. And it will increase the rate of farmers' participation in vegetable traceability system.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期23-31,共9页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"环境保护 食品安全与农业生产服务体系研究"(编号:11ZD155) 国家社科青年基金项目"基于可追溯体系的食品安全全程监管机制与支持政策研究"(编号:12CGL100) 国家自然科学基金项目"基于消费者偏好的可追溯食品消费政策的多重模拟实验研究:可追溯猪肉的案例"(编号:71273117) 高校博士学科点专项科研基金项目"食品安全与食品可追溯体系中生产者行为研究"(编号:20110093110007) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学优秀创新团队建设项目"中国食品安全风险防控研究"(编号:2013-011) 江南大学自主科研计划重点项目"基于农产品安全 气候变暖视角的农业生产方式转型路径与模式选择"(JUSRP51416B)
关键词 农户 蔬菜 可追溯体系 额外成本 承担意愿 farmer vegetable traceability system additional cost willingness to bear
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