
气候变化影响下的气候移民人力资本损失与重构——以宁夏中南部干旱地区为例 被引量:11

Human Capital Loss and reconfiguration for Climate Migrants Induced by Climate Change:Case Study of the Central and Southern Arid Area in Ningxia
摘要 在全球气候变化加速发展的背景下,极端气候和气候灾害频发,对人类生命财产安全的威胁日益加剧,并深刻影响着人类的生存和发展。中国是受气候变化负面影响最为严重的国家之一,近年来气候灾害的频率和强度不断增加,致灾原因交错而复杂,引致的受灾人口规模和经济损失不断扩大,伴随的经济与社会问题突出。为应对气候变化的不利影响,中国近些年来开始实施宏大的生态和气候移民规划。在气候移民搬迁安置过程中,气候移民的生计发展是面临的重点和难点问题。但目前针对极端气候影响下的人口迁移安置问题无论是理论研究还是实践经验都仍然十分欠缺。人力资本在可持续生计资本要素中处于核心地位,是影响气候移民生计方式和生活水平的最关键因素。根据对宁夏中南部干旱地区的田野调查与分析,本文深入研究气候变化对移民人力资本的影响机制及其带来的生计损失,发现气候移民原本羸弱的人力资本在持续干旱气候影响下加速贬损,原有农业生产经验的失灵、务工技能的短缺、营养不良以及传染性疾病的威胁等因素阻碍了气候移民的生计恢复和可持续发展。研究表明,人力资本的提升是实现气候移民生计可持续发展最根本最有效的手段,因此政府部门、移民家庭、社会组织等利益相关主体应当通力协作,重视通过加强疾病防治和提升健康水平、保证基础教育和鼓励职业教育、重视技能培训和提升技能水平、普及公共服务和促进社会融合等多种途径重构气候移民的人力资本,以促进气候移民生计可持续发展。 As the accelerated development of climate change, extreme climate disasters occur frequently, increasingly threat human life and property security and deeply impact human existence and development. China is one of the countries that is most seriously affected by climate change. The frequency and intensity of its climate disasters increased with different complex causes in recent years, leading to a constantly expanding affected population scale and economic loss, and resulting in serious economic and social problems. Then China began to implement its great ecological and climatic resettlement plans, in which livelihood development of climate migrants is the key and difficult problems. But for population migration and resettlement issues under the influence of extreme climate, the academic study and practical experience both are very weak. From the point of sustainable livelihood theory, human capital is the core of the sustainable livelihood capitals, and it is also the key factor affecting the livelihoods and living standards of climate migrants. Based on the field survey and analysis of the middle and south arid area in Ningxia Autonomous Region, this paper studies the impact of climate change on human capital of migrants and the loss of their livelihood. It is found that the former weak human capital of climate migrants had increasingly depreciated because the drought climate, agricultural production experience lost their effect, climate migrants lacked of working skills, and malnutrition and infectious disease caused different health threats, and those factors hindered their livelihood recovery and development. It' s found that the improvement of human capital is the fundamental and the most effective means to achieve sustainable livelihood for climate migrants; the government departments, migrant families, social organizations and other stakeholders should cooperate and take different measures to reconfigure human capital of climate migrants and promote their sustainable livelihood, such as paying attention to prevention and treatment of disease and improve health condition, strengthening basic education and encourage vocational education, emphasizing skills training and skills upgrading, popularizing public service and promoting the social integration, etc.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期109-116,共8页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社科基金项目"极端气候影响下的人口迁移安置政策研究"(编号:11CRK002)
关键词 气候变化 气候移民 人力资本 持续生计 climate change climate migrants human capital sustainable livelihood
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