
天津滨海新区产业发展困境与转型升级路径 被引量:1

The Binhai New Area in Tianjin: Dilemma of Industrial Development and Path of Transformation and Upgrading
摘要 在国际区域一体化、世界产业重构加快发展的境况下,产业转型升级成为顺应新一轮产业变革的趋势。在一体化发展的强劲推动下,京津冀区域协同发展战略上升为国家发展战略,这为滨海新区产业转型升级迎来了新的发展契机,但如何抓住这一发展契机,则必须对现有的发展困境进行系统的梳理,有针对性地采取应对之策。基于以上考虑,本文在对现有产业转型升级文献梳理的基础上,着力探讨了滨海新区在产业转型中所面临的困境,并从多个层面提出了滨海新区产业转型升级的实施路径及对策建议。 Under the background of international regional integration and rapid development of industrial reconstruction in the world, industrial transformation and upgrading have become a trend in the new round of industrial revolution. With the push of integration, the regional cooperative development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has become a na- tional development strategy, which brings the new opportunity for the industrial transformation and upgrading of the Bin- hai New Area. However, it is necessary to systematically study the current dilemma and take some measures to seize the opportunity for development. Based on the above, the paper reviews the available literature on industrial transformation and upgrading, explores the dilemma of industrial transformation and upgrading facing the Binhai New Area, and puts forward the path and suggestions of industrial transformation and upgrading of the Binhai New Area in some aspects.
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2014年第6期35-40,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
关键词 滨海新区 转型升级 实施路径 the Binhai New Area transformation and upgrading path
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