This paper outlines the effects of recreational activity to nature sensibility in the forms of aesthetic and environmental engagement. By employing the traditionally high rate of recreational use of forests in Finland as an example, it is proposed that attaching recreational value to nature is linked to Berleant's aesthetic engagement and together these processes enhance the possibility of environmental engagement. Recreational use of nature brings into discussion the restorative effects of engaging in interaction with environment. This interactive element underlines the difference of aesthetic engagement to previously held views of aesthetic experience as a static oneway relation between subject and object. The significance of nature is seen here as a platform for many different kinds of values, the emphasis between which varies constantly according to other multiple variables. This continuum of values needs to be acknowledged by society in order to some balance to be found and maintained in co-existence with nature. Everyday actions and practices of individuals play an important part also in this societal acknowledgment. The individual recreational relationship is seen here as a value-positive beginning for a more conscious perspective to ecological issues. Some recent theories of environmental aesthetics(e.g. ecoaesthetics) address this theme in a thorough manner. The urgency of ecological problems in the world puts pressure in to finding more solutions combining the aspects of aesthetic and environmental awareness. This, together with letting go of the notion of disinterestedness as a prerequisite for aesthetic experience, can be taken as further proof of an ethical shift taking place in the field of aesthetics.
Journal of Poyang Lake
environmental aesthetics
recreational activity
aesthetic engagement
environmental engagement