

From Psychoanalysis to Political Philosophy: A Case Study of Zizekian Real and Reality
摘要 "真实"是拉康的一个重要概念,后来成为齐泽克哲学中的核心概念。真实在拉康看来是符号化难以克服的硬核,它标示出象征秩序结构性的缺失。齐泽克认可拉康的基本解释,同时又强调真实的激进性,充分挖掘其批判和改变现实的力量。经过他的理论发挥,真实呈现出更丰富的层次和更多的理解角度,并被广泛应用于文化和社会政治批判。 This article discusses the relations between reality and the Lacanian-Zizekian real,for the latter now has become the main coordinate in Zizek's political philosophy. In Lacan,the real is basically the hard core of symbolization,and it indicates the possibility of breaking out of the symbolic. Zizek,however,does not follow Lacan all the way down on the dimension of negativity; on the contrary,he develops an insightful point that the real is also accessible,by noting there are in fact three orders of the real: the real real,the symbolic real and the imaginary real. His central point is that radical changes can and will occur by assuming the traumatic encounter with the real itself. What he aims at is developing a more radical approach to politics,a politics of the real,via the act. Zizek sets an ultimate goal of triggering the transformative potential of the social.
作者 于琦
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期3-12,153,共10页 Foreign Literatures
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  • 1Elissa Marder, “Real Dreams”,The Southern Journal ofPhilosophy, 51,Spindel Supplement ( 2013), p. 202.
  • 2SarahKay,Zi^ek : A Critical Introduction(Cambridge : Polity Press, 2003 ),p. 3,p. 168,p. 47,p.6, p. 128.
  • 3Jill Scott,“ F antasies of Repressed Empire in Schnitzler ’ sTraumnovelle”,Modern Austrian Literature,39. 1 ( 2006),p. 59, note 6.
  • 4Tony Meyers, Slavoj ZUek ( London and New York :Routledge, 2003 ) , p. 25.
  • 5Lorenzo Chiesa,Subjectivity and Otherness: APhilosophical Reading of Lacan ( Cambridge, MA : The MITPress, 2007),p. 126, p. 126,p. 127,p. 126.
  • 6Adrian Johnston, “ Slavoj 2i2ek,s Hegelian Reformation :Giving a Hearing to the Parallax View”,Diacritics: A Reviewof Contemporary Criticism, 37. 1 ( Spring 2007 ),p. 14.
  • 7Jacques Lacan, Freud’s Papers on Technique 1953 - 1954(Seminar 1),trans. John Forrester ( Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press, 1988),p. 262.
  • 8Kelsey Wood, ^izek: A Reader,s Guide ( Oxfordand Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012),p. 27,p. 27,p. 28,p. 17,p. 19,p. 309.
  • 9Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-analysis ( Seminar 11 ), trans. Alan Sheridan(Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1979),p. 53.
  • 10Catherine Belsey,Culture and the Real : TheorizingCultural Criticism ( London: Routledge, 2005 ),p. 50,p. 54.








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