研究纳米材料复合涂膜用于新鲜鸡蛋的保鲜效果。采用纳米SiO2溶液、壳聚糖溶液、纳米SiO2与壳聚糖的复合溶液对鸡蛋进行涂膜保鲜试验,在35 d的贮藏期间,对鸡蛋各项感官指标和内部品质指标变化进行分析。结果表明,当贮藏35 d时,3种处理对鸡蛋的保鲜效果均优于空白对照组。其中纳米SiO2与壳聚糖的复合涂膜效果次于壳聚糖涂膜效果,优于单独使用纳米SiO2涂膜和空白对照组。纳米SiO2涂膜贮藏至35 d时,感官表现为近似散黄但未散黄,质量损失率为4.98%,哈夫单位为58,蛋黄比率为24.3%,蛋黄系数0.25,蛋清pH值为9.2。纳米SiO2与壳聚糖复合溶液对新鲜鸡蛋具有较明显的保鲜作用。
The egg preservation effects of nano-silica and chitosan composite film are studied. Nano SiO2 solution, solution of chitosan, nano SiO2 and chitosan composite solution are used for coating preservation test on the egg. Results show that during 35 d storage, by analyzing the changes of the sensory and egg internal quality index shows that: when the 35 days of storage, effects of three kinds of treatment on egg preservation are superior to the blank control group. The effect of nano SiO2 composite coating with chitosan is inferior to that of chitosan coating effect, but better than the single use of nano SiO2 coating and the blank control group. Nano SiO2 film storage to 35 d, sensory performance for the approximate scattered yellow but not scattered yellow, weight loss rate of 4.98%, Haugh unit 58, egg yolk coefficient ratio is 24.3%, 0.25, egg white pH 9.2. Nano SiO2 and chitosan composite solution has a preservative effect obviously on the fresh egg.
Farm Products Processing