Wide-ranging seminar programme features the industry's leading experts With only one month (o go until lntertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics Autumn Edition 2014, over 3,500 exhibi- tors from 32 countries and regions have already confirmed to take part in the fair's 20th anniversary edition. The fair has become well-known in the region 4;br not just showcasing the latest apparel fabrics and accessories from around the world, but for also featuring inspiring and informative product areas that keep buyers up-to-date with the latest trends and ideas.
Wide-ranging seminar programme features the industry’s leading experts With only one month to go until Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics–Autumn Edition 2014,over 3,500 exhibitors from 32 countries and regions have already confirmed to take part in the fair’s 20th anniversary edition.The fair has become well-known in the region for not just showcasing the latest apparel fabrics and accessories from around the world,but for also featuring inspiring and informative product areas that keep buyers up-to-date with the latest trends and ideas.