
中国职业类别选择研究——基于多类别职业选择模型 被引量:3

Research on Occupational Category Choices in China:Based on Model of Multi-class Occupational Choices
摘要 职业类别选择是个体职业生涯发展的重要影响因素。利用1989-2011年的CHNS数据,采用多类别职业选择模型,分析了职业类别选择的影响因素,以及各影响因素在职业类别选择时的具体边际贡献。研究结果表明,中国职业性别隔离依然存在,在管理类人员中男性具有明显的性别优势;劳动者具有中、高教育学历对从事专业技术人员有明显优势;职业类别的选择不仅与个体特征相关,还与家庭政治资本条件有关,父辈或其它家庭成员的干部身份对子辈的职业选择具有明显的相对优势。 Occupational category choice is an important factor of individual career development. This paper uses CHNS data from year 1989 to 2011, and bases on multi-class career choice model to analyze the factors of occupational categories choice, as well as the separately marginal contribution of these factors on occupational category choice. The results show that China's occupational sex segregation still persist, male has obvious advantages in the management occupation; workers with medium and high educational level also have obvious advantages engaging in professional and technical occupational categories; occupational choice is not only associated with individual characteristics, but also with family conditions of parents or other family members" political capital, if the first generation are the cadres, who wound have the comparative advantage on career choices of the second generation.
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 2014年第11期91-98,共8页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目<新兴市场股票交易行为建模理论与实证研究--基于整数值金融时间序列模型新视角>(71201126) 中央高校基本科研业务费重点研究基地项目<金融数量研究中心>(JBK120405)
关键词 职业类别 多类别职业选择模型 相对优势 occupational categories multinomial occupational choice model comparative advantage
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