
基于多模式测量的网站用户行为意图预测模型 被引量:4

Prediction Models of Website Users' Behavioral Intentions Based on Multi-mode Measurement
摘要 研究了用户浏览电子商务网站时的行为意图预测模型.运用实验研究的方法,测量了用户在初次浏览电子商务网站时情感体验的三个方面(主观情感体验、眼动特征以及生理反应),以及用户浏览电子商务网站之后对于网站的行为意图(接近趋势),采用方差分析的方法提取了影响用户行为意图的情感体验指标,基于支持向量机建立了用户情感体验与行为意图之间的关系模型.结果表明,综合使用主观评价指标、眼动指标和生理指标能够很好地预测用户对于网站的接近趋势. The prediction models of e-commerce website users' behavioral intentions were established. The three aspects of users' emotional experiences ( subjective emotional experience, eye movement characteristics and physiological responses) while browsing an e-commerce website the first time were measured, and their behavioral intentions ( approach tendency) for the site thereafter were analyzed. One-way analysis of variance was used to extract the indicators of emotional experiences affecting users' behavioral intentions and the relationship models of emotional experiences and behavioral intentions were established based on the support vector machine (SVM). The results show that an integrated use of such indicators as subjective emotional evaluation, eye movement and physiological response can better predict users' website approach tendency.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1669-1672,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71171041 71471033)
关键词 多模式测量 电子商务网站 情感体验 行为意图 支持向量机 multi-mode measurement e-commerce website emotional experience behavioral intention support vector machine (SVM)
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