【目的】研究光周期对棉花愈伤组织发生及体胚发生相关基因表达的影响。【方法】利用石蜡切片对不同培养时期下胚轴细胞形态进行观察;RT-PCR技术对体胚发生相关基因表达量进行分析。【结果】石蜡切片观察发现,光处理后继代培养3 d的下胚轴在b处理(暗处理3 d后光处理3 d)下形成层细胞增殖较快;继代培养7 d时,新陆早33号、45号、50号和珂字棉312号在皮层部位都观察到次生分生细胞团的出现;其中,新陆早45号在b处理和c处理(暗处理12 h后光处理12 h,培养6 d)下以及珂字棉312在四个光周期处理下形成层部位也观测到明显的次生分生细胞团。实时荧光定量PCR表明,光周期b处理下的下胚轴材料GhLEC1、GhSERK1基因相对表达量较高。【结论】光周期b处理更有利于愈伤组织发生,并且该处理下体胚发生相关基因的表达量相对最高。
【Objective】To study the effect of light cycles on cotton callus induction and the expression of somatic embryogenesis related gene.【Method】Paraffin section was used to observe cell morphology and RT-PCR techniques was employed to study the expression of somatic embryogenesis related gene.【Result】Paraffin section of hypocotyls after light cycles treatment was cultured 3 d,their primary mertstem were quicker proliferated under b treatment(dark treatment for 3 d and then light treatment for 3 d); sub-meristem cell masses in outer-cortex were observed in four cotton hypocotyls and cultutred for 7 d;hypocotyls of Xinluzao 45 under b(dark treatment for 3 d and then light treatment for 3 d) and c treatment(dark treatment for 12 h and then light treatment for 12 h,cultured for 6 d) and coker 312 under four light cycles treatment sub-meristem cell masses in procambium were also observed. RT-PCR result showed that the expression of GhSERK1,GhLec1 was relatively higher under b treatment(dark treatment for 3 d and then light treatment for 3 d),compared with other treatments.【Conclusion】These results indicated that dark treatment for 3 d and then light treatment for 3 d is more advantageous for cotton callus induction and the expression of gene GhSERK1 and GhLecl.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences