
基于知识图谱的国际搜索引擎研究历程与热点演进 被引量:1

The Research Course and Focuses Evolution of International Search Engine Based on Knowledge Mapping
摘要 对国际上搜索引擎领域的研究文献进行比较细致、深入的考察,采用可视化方法进行定量分析并制作有关知识图谱,明晰国际搜索引擎研究的总体趋势和发展脉络。通过对高被引文献的深入解读和定性分析,以及近几年相关文献的共词分析,揭示国际上搜索引擎研究的起源和发展,以及从进入快速发展期至今四个阶段的研究热点演进历程。最后,总结和展望国际搜索引擎研究的热点方向。 The international research literatures about search engine are investigated deeply in detail, and analyzed quantitatively using visualization methods. Knowledge maps for it are drawn, which can show the general trend and evolution course of the international research on search engine clearly. Through the interpretation and qualitative analysis of highly cited literatures, and the co - word analysis of the literatures in recent years, we represent the origin and development of international research on search engine, and the evolution course of research focus in the four stages from the period of rapid development to this day. At last, we summarize and look ahead to the main trends of international research on search engine.
作者 王兴旺 张欣
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第22期124-128,133,共6页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 上海工程技术大学教学建设项目"以学科为导向的<信息检索>课程改革与实践"(k201226001) 上海工程技术大学教学建设项目"以创新为导向的<信息分析与预测>课程改革与实践"(k201426001)
关键词 搜索引擎 知识图谱 可视化 共引分析 共词分析 search engine knowledge mapping visualization co- citation analysis co- word analysis
  • 引文网络
  • 相关文献


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