

Design for grid-connected power optimization control scheme of micro PV system
摘要 以微型光伏并网发电系统为研究对象,基于最小二乘支持向量机建立了光伏并网发电系统电能预测LS-SVM模型。在此基础上,以减少用户从电网获取电能,提高光伏电能利用率为目标,针对需求侧负荷用电管理,提出一种电能优化控制方案。通过实例计算分析显示,该方案可使用户从配电网获取电能减少10.36%,平均日减少碳排放量约618.8 kg,在保证光伏电能就地有效利用的同时,有效地提高了系统节能减排能力。 To study micro-grid-connected PV systems, a grid-connected power forecasting model has been established based on the least square support vector machine. On this basis, a power op- timization control scheme is proposed for demand-side load electricity management to improve the utilization of photovoltaic electricity and reduce usage of electricity gotten from the grid. Calcula- tion and analysis of the scheme show that the scheme can reduce user's power consumption from distribution networks up to 10.36%, and daily average reduction of carbon emissions is 618.8 kg. The scheme ensures utilization of solar energy effectively, and improves energy saving capabilities of the system.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第11期1615-1619,共5页 Renewable Energy Resources
关键词 微型光伏发电 电能 优化控制 节能减排 micro photovoltaic power optimization control energy saving and emission reduction
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