
舰载机全自动着舰纵向控制系统设计 被引量:5

Design of Longitudinal Control in Automatic Carrier Landing System
摘要 针对舰载机着舰任务的特殊性,分析设计了舰载机自动着舰优化控制系统。整个系统由若干分系统组成,在原系统的基础上,研究纵向控制引导律中的模糊PID控制器,以便对下滑轨迹进行跟踪。根据着舰要求,将模糊控制与传统PID控制器相结合,实现PID控制器参数的在线调节,然后结合调节后参数变化趋势,通过对系统的整体仿真,得到系统部分输出量的曲线图,继而验证模糊PID控制器对整个自动着舰飞控系统的影响。改进后的纵向控制律可以在不影响系统稳定性的前提下,增强系统响应速度,尤其在应对外界干扰时,着舰效果更明显。 Considering the special landing task, this paper mainly analyzed and designed the automatic carrier landing system. This system consists of several subsystems, and the focus of this paper was to research the fuzzy PID controller in the longitudinal guide law, which is to track the glide trajectory, According to the landing requirements, we combined the fuzzy control and traditional PID controller to realize PID controller parameter regulation Online; combined the trend of changes of parameters to simulate the system and obtain the results of output curve. Then we verified the effect of fuzzy PID controller on the automatic landing control system. The improved longitudinal control law can enhance the response speed of the system on the basis of system stability, and the effect is more obvious especially in response to external disturbance.
机构地区 哈尔滨工程大学
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期69-73,78,共6页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家科技合作专项项目(2013DFR10030) 国家自然科学基金(61104060) 中央高校基金(HEUCF041307)
关键词 自动着舰控制系统 控制器 模糊控制系统 Automatic carrier landing system Controller Fuzzy control system
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