
马基雅维里主义人格特质研究述评 被引量:11

Review on the Studies of Machiavellianism Trait
摘要 马基雅维里主义是权术和谋略的代名词,是西方的"厚黑学"。马基雅维里主义人格特质是"黑暗三联征"之一,具有愤世嫉俗、无视道德、冷酷无情和擅长人际操纵等特征。从生命史理论视角观察,马基雅维里主义人格特质具有适应性,并非一种需要治疗的病态心理。马基雅维里主义人格特质的形成与遗传、脑功能及结构异常、神经递质与激素水平紊乱,以及早期成长经历有关。考虑到历史、文化与现实因素,国内应逐步开展马基雅维里主义的心理学研究,以深化对马基雅维里主义人格特质的认识,并为兴利除弊、匡正坊间之权谋-厚黑流弊提供新的思路与建议。 Machiavellianism is the synonym of power tactics and strategy, and regarded as the westerner's‘thick black theory'. As one of the‘dark triad',individual with this trait is considered to be cynical, successfully deceptive, impersonal,manipulative in social interaction. Recent research reframed this aversive trait more broadly as part of an alternative life history strategy rather than a pathology requiring treatment. The developmental origins of the Machiavellianism is associated with genetic factor, changes in brain function and structure, dopamine and oxytocin dysfunction, and un secure attachments early in life. In view of history, culture and real life, future research would be required to fully explore the developmental processes of Machiavellianism trait in China. This work will deepen our understanding of Machiavellianism trait, and lend further insight into the influence of Machiavellianism in Chinese culture.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期816-820,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81271506) 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目(11YJA190005)
关键词 马基雅维里主义 人格特质 Machiavellianism Trait
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