

Study on the construction of prevention and control mechanism in the process of blood collection
摘要 目的探讨血液采集流程中控制与预防机制建设。方法本中心通过分析总结多年来工作中出现的差错和并未出现只是存在的差错隐患,合理建设血液采集流程的防控机制,减少差错发生。结果防控机制建设:1)优化流程如借用预登码、PDA连接各操作环节避免漏查,或增加合理复核及岗位间协作都能及时发现差错。2)明确规定关键步骤如预登码与献血码空间上与扫码设备有明确的物理隔离,一对一分配,避免误扫与关联差错;严禁同时采集同血型献血者,检验科血型鉴定可以发现标本错误等。3)引进质量监控。4)工作人员教育培训是防控机制有效运转的保障。5)合理的业务考核机制与奖惩机制,约束的同时更能激发员工的工作热情与工作潜能,是防控机制持续运行的有力保证。结论血液采集流程的防控机制建设是影响到血液安全的至关重要的管理机制,科学合理的流程设计,明确规范的sop制定,充分有效的人员培训,切实的考核、适度的奖惩,都属于防控机制建设的内容。 Objective To explore the construction of control and prevention system in the process of blood collection.Methods The prevention and control system was established to reduce the errors and potential faults made in the past. Results The prevention and control system consisted of the following: 1). process optimization: pre- registration codes were borrowed and all operational procedures were connected using PDA to avoid chances of omission. To find errors in time,reasonable review was strengthened,in addition to improved collaboration between different departments. 2). critical steps were clearly defined,for instance,the pre- registration codes were carefully separated from blood donation codes,in order to avoid scanning mistakes. Donors with the same blood groups were prohibited to partake in the blood collection process,although laboratories could identify errors in specimen. 3). quality control was introduced. 4). staff training was enhanced. 5). a reasonable skill assessment and incentive system was created to inspire employees' potential and enthusiasm for their work,while ensuring the continuous operation of the prevention and control system. Conclusion This prevention and control system in the process of blood collection played a crucial part in achieving blood safety. The system consisted of rational process design,precise SOP,effective training,practical skill assessment and reasonable incentive and penalty system.
机构地区 大连市血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1223-1225,共3页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 血液采集 防控机制 血液采集流程 blood collection prevention and control mechanism blood collection process
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