目的 探讨河源地区女性感染人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)基因型分布,为预防HPV感染及临床诊治提供实验依据.方法 采用导流杂交技术对6745例宫颈脱落细胞标本行人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)分型检测.结果 检出HPV感染1 701例,总阳性率为25.20%,其中单一感染1 265例(74.40%),多重感染436例(25.63%),又以二重感染和单独高危型复合感染较为多见.六重感染和九重感染仅见于≤24岁年龄组,50岁以上年龄组均未见五重以上感染.HPV总阳性率、高危型HPV阳性率和低危型HPV阳性率均呈现“U”型特异性分布.受检21种亚型均被检出,常见的3种高危型为HPV52(25.69%)、HPV16(17.34%)和HPV58(15.52%),2种低危型为HPV81 (8.23%)和HPV6 (6.94%).各年龄组中最高感染率型别也有所差异.结论 河源地区受检女性HPV的感染率较高(25.20%),多重感染者占25.63%.HPV总阳性率、高危型HPV阳性率和低危型HPV阳性率的年龄分布存在双峰现象,出现在≥60岁和≤24岁年龄组.最常见亚型是HPV52,不同年龄组HPV感染亚型分布略有不同.
Objective To analysis of the prevalence and genotype distribution of human papilloma-virus (HPV) in Heyuan city.Methods 6745 cases of epithelial cell specimens were subjected HPV subtype screening by HybriMax technology.Results Among the 6745 women,1701 women were HPV positive.The overall prevalence of HPV was 25.20% (1701/6745).Among the HPV-positive women,74.40% (1265/1701) were infected with a single HPV type,and 25.63% (436/1701) were infected with more than one.Infections with double and multiple subtype of HR-HPV was common.Infected with more than six types just were below the age of 24.There were no women infected with more than five type of HPV over the age of 50.We observed a Ushaped age-specific prevalence curve with a first peak over the age of 60 and a second peak below the age of 24 for overall HPV infection,low-risk HPV infection and high-risk HPV infection.The most common subtype was HPV52 (25.69%),followed by HPV16(17.34%)and HPV58(15.52%) in the 15 HR-HPV subtypes,HPV81 (8.23 %) was the most common subtype in 6 LR-HPV subtypes,followed by HPV6 (6.94%).There is a difference in HPV subtype infection among age groups.Conclusion The high rate of HPV infection is observed in Heyuan city.Multiple HPV infections were identified in 25.63% of the positive specimens,Two peaks of HPV prevalence were observed in women who were over the age of 60 and below the age of 24 for overall HPV infection,low-risk HPV and high-risk HPV types and the most common subtype was HPV52.There is a difference in HPV subtype infection among age groups.
International Journal of Immunology