PM2.5能够透过人体组织,对健康产生重要影响,研究环境空气中PM2.5的污染特征具有实际意义。以遂宁市大气连续采样监测数据为基础,利用SPSS软件对可吸入颗粒物PM10和细颗粒物PM2.5进行相关性分析,建立回归方程并预测2012年PM2.5日均浓度值。结果表明,PM2.5和PM10呈显著相关,回归模型R2为0.618,标准估计误差为0.023 630。PM2.5预测值为60μg/m3,超过国家一级标准限值,且PM2.5污染水平高于PM10,细颗粒物是城市大气污染控制的重要污染物。
PM2 .5 can penetrate body tissue and seriously endanger health and so it has great actual significance to research the pollution characters of PM2 .5 .Based on continuous air sampling and monitoring data of Suining City of Sichuan Province , SPSS software is applied to conduct correlation analysis on the inhalable particulate matter PM10 and PM2 .5 and the regression equation is established to calculate the daily average value of urban air PM2 .5 in 2012 .The results indicate that PM2 .5 and PM10 shows obvious correlation , R^2=0 .618 in equation and standard estimated error is 0 .023 630 .The calculated value of PM2 .5 is 60 μg/m^3 in 2012 ,have exceeded the limited value of the national standard grade one and PM2 .5 pollution level is higher than that of PM10 ,so fine particles are the important pollutants in air pollution control .
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection