随着国内注塑机行业的快速发展与国标的出台,注塑机生产厂家亟需获知如何使国产注塑机满足国标乃至国际标准,从而从根本上提高国产注塑机的竞争力与附加值。本文依据注塑机国标GB 22530,详细阐述了注塑机的典型危险源以及如何通过本质安全设计、增设防护装置等方式来降低风险,满足相应性能等级的要求,并提供了完整的产品方案。
With the rapid development of the domestic plastic injection industry and the GB occurrence, it is necessary for domestic plastic injection machines to satisfy GB and ISO standards with the purpose of raising competitiveness and additional value of machines. This paper describes in detail the representative hazard sources and how to reduce the risk of the machine and reach the required performance level by the intrinsic design and safeguards based on the GB 22530 standards. The complete solutions to safety products are also provided.
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