跨栏起源于英国。19世纪时,英国的牧羊人经常玩跨越羊圈栅栏的游戏,后来这种游戏逐渐演变为跨栏比赛。 在1896年的第一届现代奥运会上,跨栏跑是正式比赛项目之一。最早的木栏架是埋在地里的。1935年出现了一种L形栏架。L形栏架的支脚面向运动员,稍受推力即可向前翻倒,减轻了运动员过栏时的恐惧心理。
The hurdle race first appeared in England. In the 19th century,British goatherds often jumped over sheep fences,and this kindof game became the hurdle race. In 1935, the L-shaped hurdle appeared. The base-leg of the L points towards the hurdler,so the hurdle could be pushed ahead easily. Then the hurdler won't be so nervous when he or she hurdles.
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