落叶松球蚜是严重危害松树的害虫之一,主要以化学农药进行防治。防治时用药面积大、用药量大,因而对防治农药的生态安全性要求高。主要阐述了微生物天然产物农药米尔贝霉素在欧洲对落叶松球蚜的防效及对生态安全的影响,为我国应用米尔贝霉素防治落叶松球蚜提供了理论依据。实验室条件下,把1%米尔贝霉素乳油稀释为0.075%,用药5 d后对初孵若虫、老熟若虫的防效分别为100%和98%。田间应用时,用药5 d、12 d后,防效为100%和98%。此药剂在田间应用后没有引起鸟类死亡;未发现对周围的蜜蜂有明显的影响及引起搬家、离巢现象;在离水域30 m外用药,也未发现对水生生物造成伤亡现象。
The larch wooly adelgid Adelges laricis is an important pest, especially against larch. After wide-scale use of chemical pesticides, the new, safe and more effective insecticides are needed more This article summarizes the efficacy of milbemycins against Adelges laricis and impact against the environment, which provides a theoretical foundation for our country to apply mibemycins on the prevention and control of Adelges laricis. Milbemycins 1EC whose concentration is 0.075%is applied and the efficacy against the young larvae and old larvaeis in the lab are 100%and 98%after 5 days, while it presents high efficacy (100%and 98%) in the field application after 5 and 12 days. The result showed no death to birds, no apparent effect and phenomenon of moving and leaving the nest to the surrounding bees, and no phenomenon of casualties to aquatic organisms using the drug in waters beyond 30 m.
World Pesticide