
基于“用户-标签”关系的社群知识自组织研究 被引量:8

Study on Self-Organization of Community Knowledge Based on “User-Tag” Relationship
摘要 指出随着网络分析理论在知识组织领域中的大规模应用,人文因素在知识组织中的作用也逐渐引起学术界的关注。从Folksonomy社群中的"用户-标签"关系出发,基于后结构主义网络分析的思想,采用传统的1-模网络分析方法对社群知识的组织结构进行判识和分析。在此基础上,进一步构建"用户-标签"2-模网络,并基于2-模网络中用户与标签的互动关系,对社群知识的"自组织"问题进行深入剖析。揭示用户主观认知对社群知识的组织结构的影响,以及社群知识的组织结构对用户主观认知的形塑。 As the large-scale application of network analysis theory in the field of knowledge organization, the role of human factors in knowledge organization has gradually attracted academic attention. From the "user-tag" relationship in folksonomy community view, based on the idea of poststructuralist network analysis, the organization structure of community knowledge is identified and analyzed using traditional 1 -mode network analysis methods. On this basis, further building the "user-tag" 2-mode network, the issues of "self-organizing" of community knowledge is deeply analyzed based on the interaction between the users and tags in the 2-mode network. The research reveals the influence of subjective perception of the user group on the organization structure of community knowledge, and the shaping of organization structure of the community knowledge on user' s subjective perception. The " self-organizing" of community knowledge is tried and explored.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第20期106-111,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于网络结构演化的Folksonomy模式中社群知识组织与知识涌现研究"(项目编号:71473035) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"基于后结构主义网络分析的Folksonomy模式中社群知识非线性自组织研究"(项目编号:14YJA870010)研究成果之一
关键词 “用户-标签”关系 FOLKSONOMY 社群知识 自组织 "user-tag" relationship Folksonomy community knowledge self-organizing
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