
具有QoS保障的多小区M2M负荷均衡算法 被引量:1

A Multi-Cell Load Balancing Algorithm for Machine-to-Machine Communications under QoS Guarantee
摘要 针对机器间通信终端分布不均引起的系统吞吐量减小和用户接入时延增大等问题,提出一种多小区机器间通信负荷均衡算法,综合考虑了各小区机器间通信接入负荷因子以及机器间通信设备的信号质量,建立了优化模型并将其近似为凸优化问题,实现了各小区间的负荷均衡.仿真结果表明,当小区间负荷不均时,所提多小区机器间通信负荷均衡算法能大大改善系统吞吐量和用户接入时延性能. In multi-cell scenario, the uneven distribution of machine-to-machine (M2M) terminals seem- ly leads to problems of system access throughput decrease and user access delay increase. To address these issues, a M2M load balancing algorithm was proposed. The algorithm builds up a model associated with cell signal quality and cell load factor. The problem approximates a convex optimization one, thus realizing load balancing. Simulation shows that, through employment of the proposed algorithm, the per- formance of access throughput and access delay is improved greatly.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期108-112,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61201134 61201135) 国家科技重大专项项目(2011ZX03005-002) 高等学校学科创新引智计划项目(B08038)
关键词 机器间通信 多小区 负荷均衡 负荷因子 信号质量 machine-to-machine multi-cell load balance load factor signal quality
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