
国内外云计算产业发展现状对比分析 被引量:16

Comparative Study of Developing Situation of Cloud Computing Industry in China and Abroad
摘要 通过文献研究和实地调研等方式,从发展战略、政策环境、技术产品和企业以及应用情况等多维度,对国内外云计算产业发展现状进行对比分析,总结国外云计算产业发展经验,研判我国云计算产业发展存在的问题,最后提出推动我国云计算产业发展和应用的政策建议。 The situation of the cloud computing industry in China and abroad is multi-dimensionally compared from the development strategy , the policy environment , the technology product and enterprise as well as the application through literature review and field research.The development experience of the foreign cloud computing industry is summarized , the existing problems of the cloud computing industry in China is analyzed , and policy recommendations are proposed to promote the development and the application of the cloud computing industry .
作者 陈阳
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第5期77-83,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 云计算 对比分析 政策建议 cloud computing comparative analysis policy recommendation
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