
光色对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹生长和能量收支的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Light Color on Growth and Energy Budget of Swimming Crab
摘要 在实验室条件下,研究了5种光色对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹生长和能量收支的影响。实验结果如下:1.不同光色下三疣梭子蟹幼蟹的生长存在一定差异。黄光下,蟹的特定生长率(SGRd)最高,显著高于白光和蓝光处理组(P<0.05),而与红光和绿光处理组相比差异不明显(P>0.05)。蓝光下,蟹的SGRd显著小于除白光外的其他处理组(P<0.05)。2.不同光色下三疣梭子蟹的摄食存在一定差异。蓝光下,蟹的摄食率(FId)显著高于其他光照处理组(P<0.05),但其食物转化效率(FCEd)显著低于其他处理组(P<0.05);黄光下则呈现相反的趋势。3.不同光色下三疣梭子蟹的能量分配存在一定差异。黄光下,蟹用于生长的能量比例最高,显著高于红光外其他光色处理组(P<0.05),其能量转化效率呈现相同的趋势;而蓝光下,蟹用于生长的能量比例最低,显著低于其他处理组,其能量转化效率呈相似趋势。结果表明,黄光下,三疣梭子蟹食物转化率高,用于生长的能量比例高,净生长效率和同化效率较高,因而获得较快的生长。在工厂化养殖生产中,黄光是有利于三疣梭子蟹幼蟹生长的较佳光谱。 Under laboratory conditions, the growth performance and energy budget of swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus)under five light colors were investigated. The results were summarized as fol- lows: 1. The growth of the crab was different under different light intensities. The maximal SGR of crab occurred under yellow light, which was significantly different from white and blue light (P〈0. 05). The minimal SGRd of crab occurred under blue light. SGR under yellow light was significantly different from other treatment groups except white color treatment (P〈0. 05). 2. There was slight difference in feed in- take among different light color treatments. Under blue light, the FId was the highest while FCEa lowest. Under yellow light, it showed opposite tendency. 3. Energy allocation of the crab was different under different light colors. Under yellow light, the crab allocated more energy to growth and the percentage was significantly higher than other treatments. The energy assimilation efficiency showed the same tendency. Under blue light, the crab showed opposite tendency of energy allocation. The results showed that crabs in the yellow light treatment had higher FCEd, net growth efficiency and assimilation efficiency, with more energy allocated to growth, and therefore, had a higher SGRd. In conclusion, the crab may grow better under yellow light in industrial culture.
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期25-29,共5页 Periodical of Ocean University of China
基金 国家十二五科技支撑计划项目(011BAD13B03)资助
关键词 光色 三疣梭子蟹 摄食率 食物转化效率 特定生长率 能量收支 light color Portunus trituberculatus feed intake food conversion efficiency specificgrowth rate energy budget
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