
六个普通型无花果新品种在北京日光温室的引种评价 被引量:11

Evaluation of Six Introduced Common Cultivars of Ficus carica L.in Beijing Solar Greenhouse
摘要 以2012年北京市从国外引进的6个普通型无花果新品种为试材,采用科研性试种、调查评估的方法,研究比较了日光温室条件下6个无花果品种的物候期、生物学特性、果实发育特性和果实品质。结果表明:6个品种均能较好地适应北京地区日光温室栽培条件,在2月初温室开始升温的条件下,萌芽期分别为2月中旬到3月上旬,从4月开始坐果,在日光温室栽培中丰产性较好,果实发育期84-98d,3个品种的平均单果重超过65g,1个品种超过50g,其余2个品种较小,平均单果重为25g左右;果皮颜色为2黄、2红、2紫,8月份成熟果实的含糖量为12.2%-17.8%,糖酸比均超过50。6个品种中综合表现最好的为"M110",首批果实成熟期为6月底,较其它品种提前16-25d;丰产性优,始果节位为2节,成果率达到80%;平均果重为70g左右,色泽美观、口感甜蜜、多汁,是适宜日光温室栽培的鲜食优良品种。 With six common cultivars Ficus carica L.introduced from abroad in 2012 as materials,the phenological phase,biological characteristics,fruit development characteristics and quality in the greenhouse were evaluated.The results showed that the six cultivars adapt well to the solar greenhouse micro-climate and the soil conditions in Beijing.Their bud breaking started from the middle of February to early March,fruits emerged in April and the development lasted 84~98days depending on the cultivars.The average fruit weight of three cultivars was higher than 65 g,one was more than50 g,two rest cultivars had relatively small fruits with an average weight around 25 g.Among of the six cultivars,two were of butter color fruit at ripening,two were red and two were purple.The fruit sugar content ranged from 12.2%to17.8% when harvest in early August,their sugar/acid ratios were all higher than 50.Among of the six cultivars,‘M110’performed the best,the first harvest was in the end of June,16 to 25days earlier than others,the first fruit emerged on the second node of shoots and revealed high yield with 80%of the nodes grow fruits,its average fruit weight was about70 g with good appearance and taste,it was a highly recommended cultivar for solar greenhouse cultivation.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第22期48-52,共5页 Northern Horticulture
基金 北京市教育委员会共建专项资助项目(201307210610099)
关键词 无花果 引种 普通型 日光温室 评价 Ficus carica L. cultivar introduction common type solar greenhouse evaluation
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