
外资企业与内资企业全要素生产率差异研究 被引量:4

Research on Total Factor Productivity Difference between Foreign-funded Enterprises and Domestic-funded Enterprises
摘要 外资企业具有内资企业无法获得的所有权优势,是实现"以市场换技术"推动内资企业技术进步和产业成长的先决条件。本文使用1998-2007年我国326696家制造业企业的经验数据,在利用LP方法估计企业全要素生产率的基础上,采用一阶随机占优方法检验外资企业全要素生产率是否高于内资企业,并采用分位数分解方法进一步将外资企业与内资企业全要素生产率差异进行分解。研究结果显示,外资企业全要素生产率显著高于内资企业,外商投资企业与内资企业全要素生产率差异,明显高于港澳台企业与内资企业全要素生产率差异;除港澳台企业在生产率低分位数(20%分位数及其以下)外,外商投资企业和港澳台企业皆具有明显的所有权优势,且在高生产率分位数上所有权优势更显著。 Foreign-funded enterprises have the ownership advantage that the domestic-funded enterprises can not obtain,which is the prerequisite for the realization of'exchange market for technology'to promote the domestic enterprises' technological progress and industrial growth up. This paper uses the empirical data of Chinese 326696 manufacturing enterprises from 1998 to 2007,adopts the first-order stochastic dominance test method to find out if the total factor productivity of foreign-funded enterprises is higher than that of domesticfunded enterprises on the basis of LP method to estimate total factor productivity and further decomposes the difference of total factor productivity between foreign-funded enterprises and domestic-funded enterprises by using the quantile decomposition method. The study results show that the total factor productivity of foreign enterprises is significantly higher than that of domestic enterprises. The total factor productivity difference between foreign-funded enterprises and domestic funded enterprises is obviously higher than that between the enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao and domestic funded enterprises; Besides that the enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao have low productivity of quantile( 20% percentile and below),Foreign-funded enterprises and the enterprises in Hong Kong and Macao all have the obvious advantage of ownership and the ownership advantage is more significant when the productivity quantile is high.
出处 《当代经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期78-85,125,共8页 Modern Economic Science
关键词 外资所有权 全要素生产率 分位数分解 所有权优势 Ownership of Foreign Fund Total Factor Productivity Quantile Decomposition Ownership Advantage
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