
血液透析护理岗位工效学评价 被引量:2

Ergonomic Assessment on Hemodialysis Nursing Position
摘要 [目的]识别和评价血液透析(血透)护理工作工效学危险因素。[方法]选取某血液净化中心35名血透执行护士,开展问卷调查、任务分析和快速暴露评估(QEC)。[结果]研究对象颈、腰、肩部工作相关肌肉与骨骼疾患年患病率较高,分别为82.4%、80.6%、77.4%;22(62.9%)人自感职业紧张程度评分大于5。执行血透任务中工效学危险因素以不良劳动姿势,长时间站立和走动为主。"引血上机""取药品器材""下机回血"三项任务QEC评分在某些评价项目上有差别:对于背部和手腕/手,在"取药品器材"任务中评分均高于"引血上机"和"下机回血"(P<0.05);对于颈部及职业紧张,"取药品器材"的结果均低于"引血上机"和"下机回血"(P<0.05);对于工作进度,"取药品器材"结果低于"下机回血"(P<0.05)。职业紧张在被评估的三项任务中得分处于"较高"和"高"的等级人数占总人数比例都较大。[结论]血液透析工作存在工效学危险因素,护士心理和生理健康状况可能受到影响。宜采取适当措施,以提高护士职业生命质量。 [Objective] To identify and assess the ergonomic risk factors in hemodialysis nursing tasks.[Methods] Questionnaire survey, task analysis, and quick exposure check(QEC) were conducted among 35 hemodialysis nurses from a blood purification center.[Results] The annual prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WRMDs) in neck, waist, and shoulder were 82.4%, 80.6%, and 77.4%, respectively, and the self-perceived work stress scores were greater than 5 for 22 hemodialysis nurses, accounting for 62.9%.Task analysis indicated poor working posture, standing and walking for a long time were major ergonomic risk factors in their work.The QEC scores varied among three selected tasks: The scores for back and wrist/hand were significantly higher in the task of carrying drugs and equipment than the task of connecting patients and hemodialysis machine and separating hemodialysis machine from patients(P 0.05); as for neck and occupational stress, the scores of the task of carrying drugs and equipment were lower than those of the task of connecting patients and hemodialysis machine and separating hemodialysis machine from patients(P 0.05); for work pace, the score of the task of carrying drugs and equipment was lower than that of the task of separating hemodialysis machine from patients.Participants who reported work stress presented large proportions in "high scores"and "moderately high scores" categories in the three selected tasks.[Conclusion] Ergonomic risk factors exist in hemodialysis nursing work, which may affect mental and physical health of nurses.Appropriate measures are required to improve the quality of occupational life of hemodialysis nurses.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第11期822-827,共6页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 血液透析 护士 工效学评价 任务分析 快速暴露评估 hemodialysis nurse ergonomic assessment task analysis quick exposure check
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