Dual-channel supply chain consists of off-line retail channel and on-line selling channel ,which is controlled byretailers and manufacturers respectively;and the price is determined by the powerful manufacturers. Taking self- interestmaximization as the target, manufacturers and retailers make their own independent decisions and implement servicedifferentiation strategy. In centralized dual- channel supply chain,if the manufacturers set different price for on- and off- lineproduct,the consumers' channel preferences will have no impact on manufacturers' pricing and service strategy. While in thedecentralized one,in order to avoid the negative impact brought by different price of on- and off-line product,after setting theprice,manufacturers with stronger power in controlling the channel require the retailers to sell the product at the set price;butthey can implement service differentiation strategy. When there are more consumers accept on-line shopping,the manufacturerswill hunt for higher profit margin by increasing price or improving on- line service level;when the consumers prefer thetraditional channel,the manufacturers will reduce the price and on-line service level. The impact of price set by manufacturers onretailers' service level is negative;the off-line service level will be improved with the increasing of price and lowered with thedecreasing of wholesale price.
China Business and Market