
绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品早期消费者购买意向研究评介及展望 被引量:2

Review and Prospect of Early Consumers Purchasing Intention on Green-oriented Trajectory Changed Technologica Innovation High-tech New Product
摘要 绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品指与产业原来主导产品根本不同且能使产业技术范式和市场范式转入不同轨道,进而破坏性颠覆领先企业竞争地位的高技术产品,专指存在技术和市场两个变轨的高技术新产品,有利于环境保护、生态文明、可持续发展等社会效益的提高。超竞争时代,绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品迎合了社会的发展趋势和消费者的消费趋势,发展绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品成为企业获得竞争优势与实现可持续发展的新途径。因此,有必要深入研究绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品早期营销难题,以促使其尽快成为市场主流产品。比如,应进一步加强消费者购买意向预测研究,以为绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品营销策略的制定提供有效指导;应基于已有相关理论和研究成果,推演GTC新产品早期消费者购买意向构念模型,从理论上识别绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品早期消费者购买意向影响因素,并进行实证检验,为理论框架的应用提供依据;应进行更为深入的比较研究,进一步实证所构建GTC新产品早期消费者购买意向模型的有效性;应深入研究和探讨绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品进入市场的有效模式。 Green- oriented trajectory changed technological innovation high- tech new product (GTC new product) isfundamentally different from the industry's original leading product;it can change the paradigm of industrial technology andmarket to a different track,which will in turn destructively subvert the high-tech product of leading enterprises;it specificallyrefers to high-tech new product with changes in both technology and market;and it can be beneficial to the improvement of socialeffect in terms of environment protection,eco- civilization and sustainable development. In the age of hyper- competition,thedevelopment of GTC can match the new social development trend and customers consumption trend;the development of GTCnew product is becoming the new way for the enterprises to gain competitive advantages and sustainable development. So,it isnecessary for us to carry out profound research on marketing problems in the early age of GTC new product to make it to be themain stream product as soon as possible. We should strengthen research on expectation of consumers purchasing intention toprovide effective guidance for the marketing of GTC new product. We should deduce the model of early consumers purchasingintention,theoretically identify factors having impacts on early consumers purchasing intention,and carry out empirical test on itto provide basis for the application of theoretical framework. We should carry out profound comparative research to further verifythe effectiveness of the model of early consumers purchasing intention.
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第12期106-114,共9页 China Business and Market
基金 北京市自然科学基金资助项目"北京市变轨型高技术企业创业:市场变轨初期的营销模式研究"(项目编号:9132013)的部分研究成果
关键词 技术轨道 市场轨道 绿色导向变轨型高技术新产品 购买意向 technological trajectory market trajectory GTC new product purchasing intention
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