The partisan wrangle evoluted from the partisan wrangle between Wuhan and Jiangxi to the Purge against Communists in early 1927. During this period, “Ta Kung Pao” had made all-round and in-depth reports and comments on the partisan wrangle, hands-shaking between Wang Jing-wei and Chiang Kai-shek, and the purge against communists. These reports and comments reflected not only the position and attitude of “Ta Kung Pao” but also the focus of attention and the level of awareness of the mass media and the society. The governors paid great attention to handling the relation with the media and guiding social public opinionsto achieve their political objectives.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
partisan wrangle between Wuhan and Jiangxi
hands-shaking between Wang Jing-wei and ChiangKai-shek
the purge against communists
"Ta Kung Pao"