
作为艺术行动的美——一种生活美学的视角 被引量:2

Beauty as an Action of Art: From the Aspect of Aesthetics of Life
摘要 关于美学学科的合法性,目前学界有两种意见。取消主义美学认为"美"是一个先行设定出来的"超级概念",没有一个"超级事实"与其对应,犯了形而上学本质主义的错误,因此美学学科并不合法;形而上学美学则坚持形而上学的阵地,用康德美学的"合目的性"来解释美这个概念,由此认为美学学科具有合乎理想价值的合法性。本文以为,由于形而上学美学的理论自闭性,不可能让审美活动具有现实的超越性价值;而取消主义美学最大的问题是在正确指出"超级概念"虚妄性的同时,没有充分估计到其中包含的目的性价值。当然,上述两种意见并非没有融通之处,即将美理解为某种艺术行动,不过本文认为,这种艺术行动不仅是超越性的,而且应该携带日常生活这幅肉身。 There are two ideas about the legitimacy of aesthetics as a discipline. Aesthetics of Elimination claims that beauty is an a prior super-concept which,absent of a corresponding super-reality,falls into the abyss of metaphysical essentialism.Hence,aesthetics is not a legitimate discipline. Metaphysical Aesthetics holds that beauty should be interpreted through Kantian purposiveness of aesthetics and claims the legitimacy of the discipline of aesthetics in its ideal-confirming value. This paper argues that metaphysical aesthetics,due to its theoretically self-enclosed nature,cannot allow aesthetic activities to take on realistic transcendent value. Aesthetics of Elimination,however,has its own major problem. While it correctly points out the illusionary nature of super-concept,it has failed to fully acknowledge its value of purposiveness. Between the two ideas in question,there is certainly a common ground,which is to take beauty as an action of art. This action,this paper concludes,not only contains transcendent value but also carries with it the mortal body of everyday life.
作者 张宝贵
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期57-63,共7页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 艺术行动 生活美学 超越性 肉身 action of art aesthetics of life transcendence mortal body
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