
晚清京师士林风会与常州词派之理论推衍 被引量:2

The Social Mores of the Intellectuals in the Capital of Beijing and the Spreading of Changzhou Ci-Poetry Theory in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 常州词派理论体系虽早已形成,但在主流词坛形成风气,则与清季经世思潮的流布与京师士林风尚的变迁有莫大关系。道光前期的词坛,普遍存在一种要求变革的风气。这种风气与维新思潮中踏上仕途的新兴士子之政治诉求相应和,使原先常州词派抽象的儒家政教词学观在特殊历史境遇下获得普遍共鸣,从而赋予"托志帏房,眷怀君国"这一古老主题以全新的时代内蕴。传统的常州派词学思想,在传入京师后经过潘氏词人群与龙启瑞、王拯等广西籍京官群体的改造,融合吴中词派之声律、浙西词派之清雅与桐城古文之"义理"而产生新变,最后通过临桂词人群体的活动流衍全国。 The theoretical system of Changzhou Ci-Poetry School active in the middle of the Qing Dynasty,though constructed early,reached the mainstream Ci-poetry circle as the result of changes in the learning and social mores of intellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty. The want for change was generally felt in the Ci-poetry circle in early Daoguang Reign( 1821-1850). This want for change corresponded to the political demands of the poet-officials who had newly entered the officialdom,which enabled the spreading of the Confucian idea of Ci-poetry in the early Changzhou Ci-Poetry theory. This theoretical idea invested new implications into the ancient belief of"residing in a private chamber with the state in the heart. "After the theory of Changzhou Ci-Poetry School came to be known in the capital of Beijing,it was then revised by the Guangxi-born poets such as Long Qirui and Wang Zheng. The theory then integrated the prosody theory of Wuzhong Ci-Poetry school,the clear elegance of Zhexi Ci-Poetry School and the expository structure of Tongcheng Classical-style Prose,before it spread to the whole nation after the promotional activities of Linggui Ci-poets.
作者 谢燕
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期167-180,共14页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 常州词派 京师 士林风会 王鹏运 Changzhou Ci-Poetry School the capital of Beijing social mores of the intellectuals Wang Pengyun
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  • 2陈康祺:“潘文恭公之资望”,《郎潜记闻初笔》.北京:中华书局,1984年.
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