

The Outline of a Theory of Reasoning in Light of Classical Pragmatism
摘要 实践逻辑何以可能,是当代哲学乃至一切理性思考的核心议题。古典实用主义认为,推理并非只是抽象的数学演算而主要是人类生活世界的一部分,但凡合乎逻辑的推理都应该是在合情合理地行事,因而推理本身就是一种有承诺的探究。在成功避开心理主义指责的情况下,古典实用主义推理论可以表述为颇具理论生发性的一组基本观点:(1)推理开始于真实的怀疑;(2)推理以"求真"为目标指向;(3)推理可区分为好坏;(4)推理通过习惯与未来行动相连;(5)实用主义准则代表着以推理明晰观念的一种总方法。 The possibility of practical logic is a core issue in contemporary philosophy and other rational enterprises. According to classical pragmatists,reasoning is more than abstract mathematical calculation; it is part of human life. In general,all logical reasoning is reasonable and reasoning itself should be taken as a committed action or an intentional inquiry. This theory of reasoning offers a better alternative to the approach of informal logic or natural logic to practical reason. This paper gives an outline of a theory of reasoning in light of classical pragmatism,responds to its main challenge and makes some prospects for its philosophical relevance.
作者 张留华
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期45-52,150,共8页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目"知行哲学的当代研究"(11JJD720019) 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题"古典实用主义推理论研究"(2013BZX002)的阶段性成果
关键词 推理论 实用主义 皮尔士 詹姆斯 杜威 theory of reasoning,pragmatism,Peirce,James,Dewey
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  • 1P. F. Strawson, Introduction to Logical Theory, Methuen & Co.Ltd,1952.
  • 2John R.Searle, Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language, Cambridge University Press, 1969.
  • 3Stephen Toulmin, Return to Reason, Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2001.
  • 4C.S.Peirce, The Essential Peirce, Volume 1, edited by Nathan Houser and Christian J.W. Kloesel, Indiana University Press, 1992, pp.28-29.
  • 5Collected Papers of C. S. Peirce, v. 1-6 ed. Charles Hartshorne and PaulWeiss, v.7-8 ed. Arthur Burks, Cambridge : Harvard, 1931-58.
  • 6James and Dewey on Belief and Experience, edited by John M.Capps and Donald Capps, University of Illinois Press, 2005, pp.60-62.
  • 7Richard M.Gale, Russell's Drill Sergeant and Bricklayer and Dewey's Logic, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol.56, No.9, 1959, pp.401-406.
  • 8John Dewey, The Later Works, 1925-1953, Vol. 12, edited by J.A.Boydston, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1986, p. 109.
  • 9C.S.Peirce, Writings of Charles S.Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume H, edited by the Peirce Edition Project, Indiana University Press, 1984, p.15.
  • 10John Dewey, The Essential Dewey, Volume 1, edited by Larry A.Hickman and Thomas M.Alexander, Indiana University Press, p.242.









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