
不同类型蛋白原料对类夸克乳制品质构及稳定性的影响 被引量:2

Effects of different protein ingredients on the quality of Quarg-type cheese
摘要 文章研究了浓缩牛乳蛋白(MPC)、热稳定性浓缩乳清蛋白(WPC)、酪蛋白酸钠和全脂乳粉(WMP)4种蛋白原料对类夸克乳酪质构、持水性和流变等方面的影响。实验结果表明,在硬度、黏性上酪蛋白酸钠组最高,其次是WPC组,而MPC和WMP组差异不显著;在内聚性上,MPC组最低,其次是酪蛋白酸钠组,MPC和WPC组最高且差异不显著;各组样品在持水性上表现出的趋势与内聚性相同。WPC组的抗剪切能力最强,酪蛋白酸钠组最弱;MPC组抗剪切能力也较佳,但黏度始终是最低的。总体来说,要制得较佳的类夸克乳制品,建议以酪蛋白酸钠和MPC为主,并根据所需达到效果混合其他原料使用。 The effects of four different protein ingredients, milk protein concentrate(MPC), whey protein concentrate(WPC, heat-stable), caseinate and whole milk powder(WMP), on the texture, water binding capacity and rheological properties of Quarg-type dairy product was studied. The results showed that hardness and adhesiveness of sample made from caseinate was the highest, followed by WPC, MPC and WMP were the lowest(no significant difference between them). The sample made from MPC had the lowest cohesiveness, caseinate was in the middle, MPC and WPC were the highest(no significant difference between them). The performance of all samples on water binding capacity was the same as on cohesiveness. The shear-bearing capacity of sample made from WPC was the highest and sample from caseinate was the lowest. Sample made from MPC also had good shear-bearing capacity; however, its viscosity was the lowest. In general, to make good Quarg-type products, it is suggested to use Caseinate and MPC together as the main protein ingredients and other ingredients could be used for specific purpose.
作者 孙立国
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第11期43-47,共5页 Food Science and Technology
关键词 蛋白原料 类夸克乳制品 质构 流变特性 protein powder material Quarg-type products texture rheological properties
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