

A Brief Analysis on the Causes of College Students' Alexithymia
摘要 述情障碍,也称作情感表达不能,以不能恰当表达自身的情绪和情感、鉴别情绪困难和人际关系不良为典型特征。大学生述情障碍常被认为与人际关系僵化、抑郁和心理健康显著相关。本文综合了社会机制和认知机制两种视角对大学生述情障碍的成因、影响因素以及干预措施进行探讨,希望能为开展高校大学生心理健康教育及咨询工作提供参考。 Alexithymia, meaning incapability of emotion expres-sion, is typically epitomized by failing to appropriately express individual emotions and feelings, difficulty in distinguishing e-motions, and abnormal interpersonal relationship. It is often thought that there is a significant correlation between college stu-dents' alexithymia and rigid interpersonal relationship, depres-sion and psychological health. From such two perspectives as so-cial mechanism and cognitive mechanism, this paper explores the causes, influencing factors and intervention measures of college students' alexithymia, hoping to provide a reference for the ideo-logical health education and counseling of college students.
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第32期199-201,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 述情障碍 成因 大学生 干预措施 alexithymia causes college students intervention measures
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