
区域一体化视阈下朝韩民族和解问题探析 被引量:1

An Analysis on National Reconciliation of Korea from the view of Regional Integration
摘要 二战后期,美苏在朝鲜半岛推行地缘博弈战略,人为造成了朝鲜民族分裂。战后,美苏在远东地区推行均势博弈战略,固化了朝韩民族的分裂状态。由于内外在因素的制约,目前朝韩双方都没有单方面实现统一的能力,以"区域一体化"为平台,推行经济优先、政治对话、安全互信为基础的"一化三合"战略,优化内外部力量形成推动和解的"积极合力",应是解决民族和解问题的有益尝试。 In the later period of World War II, the geopolitical strategies between USA and USSR artificially led to the separation of Korea. After the War, USA and USSR had contended for hegemony for decades and carried out balance strategies in the Far East, which solidified the separation of the Korean nation. At present, due to the constraints of internal and external environment, neither of the two sides is able to reunify the nation independently. Therefore, they should push forward the strategies of "one integration and three cooperations", which means regional integration as a platform while economic priority, political dialogue, security and trust as foundation, to form a kind of "positive forces" by integrating all the forces inside and outside.
作者 刘会清
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期29-37,共9页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"朝鲜族跨界民族关系与地缘政治研究"(项目号:11BMZ009)的阶段性研究成果
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