2Sam Bass Warner, "Introduction", in Sam Bass Warner, Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston 1870 - 1890 (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1978) vii-viii.
3John P. Loonan, Always With Us : Images of Poverty in American Culture ( PhD Dissertation, The City University of New York, 2004) 2.
4Robert Hamlett Bremner, From the Depths: The DiscoveryofPoverty in the United States (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1992) 87, 102.
5Keith Gandal, The Virtues of the Vicious: Jacob Riis, Stephen Crane and the Spectacle of the Slum (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997) 39 -40.
6Benedict Giamo, "Introduction", in Benedict Giamo, On the Bowery: Con~onting Homelessness in American Society (Iowa: Universit of Iowa Press, 1989) xviii.
7James Edwin Feast, "The Figure of Crowd in the Late Nineteenth Century America and its Appearance in Stephen Crane's Writings and Pulitzer's New York World" ( Ph. D. Dissertation of New York University, 1991 ).
8Mary Esteve, "A ' gorgeous neutrality' : social justice and Stephen Crane's documentary anaesthetics," in Mary Esteve, The Aesthetics and Politics of the Crowd in American Literature ( Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003) 96 - 117.
9Lorna K. M. Brittan, "Pressured Identities : American Individualism in the Age of the Crowd" ( Ph. D. Dissertation of Princeton University, 2003 ).
10Michael Tritt, "The Tower of Babel and the Skyscrapers in Stephen Crane's ' An Experiment in Misery' ," in ANQ : A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, andReviews 16.2 (2003) 46-51.