

Analysis of Surveillance for Anaphylactic Rash after Immunization in Longyan,2009-2013
摘要 目的分析预防接种后过敏性皮疹的发病特征,为接种疫苗后过敏性皮疹的报告提供依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法分析2009-2013年《疑似预防接种异常反应信息管理系统》中诊断为过敏性皮疹的病例。结果龙岩市2009-2013年共报告过敏性皮疹83例,均分类为异常反应。男女性别比为0.9:1;≤1岁、1岁、≥8岁儿童分别占45.8%、20.5%、19.3%。发生在接种后≤1天的占88.0%。过敏性皮疹病例中,疫苗种类构成比占前三位的是麻疹减毒活疫苗、无细胞百日咳-白喉-破伤风联合疫苗和麻疹-风疹联合减毒活疫苗。结论过敏性皮疹多发生于接种疫苗后24h内,需加强接种后1天内的观察;规范接种疫苗后过敏性皮疹的诊断和报告,过敏性皮疹的监测报告质量需进一步提高。 Objective To analyze the characteristics of anaphylactic rash after vaccination, to provide the basis for reporting of anaphylactic rash after vaccines. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of anaphylactic rash cases during 2009-2013 reported by AEFI information management system. Results 83 anaphylactic rash cases were reported,all were classified as rare,more serious vaccine reactions. The sex ratio(male to female) was 0.9:1. The cases occurred in the age group of≤1, 1, ≥8 year old accounted for 45.8%、20.5%、19.3%. The cases occurred in 24 hours accounted for 88.0%. The estimated reported rates for top three vacines were measles attenuated live vaccine;measles and Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis Combined Vaccine, rubella combined attenuated live vaccine;Diphtheria. Conclusion Anaphylactic rash cases were often occurrde in 24 hours after vaccination, so it should reinfore the observation in 1 day after vaccination. It is necessary to standardized the diagnosis and report of anaphylactic rash after vaccination, the quality of anaphylactic rash surveillance needs to be improved.
出处 《疾病监测与控制》 2014年第11期661-662,共2页 Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
关键词 过敏性皮疹 预防接种 疫苗 Anaphylactic rash Vaccination Vaccince
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