8Memorandum From William Hyland of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Assistant for National Security Mfairs (Kissinger), August 28, 1969, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969--1976 Volume xvii, China, 1969--1972. GPO, 2006.
9Memorandum of Conversation, October 21, 1971, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969--1976 Volume xvii, Chi- na, 1969--1972.
10KT00904, Memorandum of Conversation, November 13, 1973, Digital National Security Archive, ProQuest Information and Learning Company.
2[1][4][5][9][10][13][14][15][16][20][21][22][25][26]William Buur, ed, Kissinger Transcripts. The Top Secret Talks with Beijing and Moscow (New York: The New Press, 1998)
4[3][19][24][27][34]Robert Ross, Negotiating Cooperation. The United State and China, 1969 ~ 1989 (Stanford University Press, 1995), pp. 50~51.
5[6]John G. Stressinger, Henry Kissinger, p. 86.
6[7]The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, Vol. Ⅱ (New York: The Warner Books, 1978), p. 97.
7[8][11][31][39]Public Papers of the Presidents of the UnitedStates: Richard Nixon, 1973, p. 613.
8[17]The Last American Aristocrat, pp. 380~381.
9[23]Michel Oksenberg, "A Decade of Sino - American Relations", Foreign Affairs, Fall 1982, p. 180.
10[28][32][30]Cyrus Vance, Hard Choices Critical Views in American Foreign Politoy (Simon and Sch uster, 1983),pp. 51~52.