
JC-1单染法检测CCCP对内皮细胞线粒体膜电位的影响 被引量:7

Effect of CCCP on endothelial cells mitochondrial membrane potential by JC-1 single staining detection
摘要 目的分析碳酰氰基-对-氯苯腙(CCCP)对人脐静脉内皮细胞ECV304线粒体的影响。方法体外培养ECV304细胞,不同浓度CCCP处理细胞20 min后,装载荧光探针JC-1或Rh123,流式细胞术检测JC-1单体的发射绿色荧光。结果伴随线粒体毒性剂CCCP浓度增加,代表JC-1单体含量的绿色荧光强度增加。结论流式细胞术检测JC-1单体的绿色荧光可反应线粒体膜电位的变化。 Objective Analyze the influence of carbonyl cyano-to-chlorobenzene hydrazone ( CCCP ) on human um-bilical vein endothelial cells ECV-304 mitochondria .Methods ECV-304 cell was cultured in vitro and treated with different concentrations of CCCP for 20 minutes .After straining by fluorescent probes Rh 123 or JC-1 ,cells were meas-ured by flow cytometry .Results The intensity of green fluorescence emitted by JC-1 monomer increased with the in-creasing of CCCP concentration .Conclusion The changing of cell MMP could be well detected by flow cytometry staining by new fluorescent probe JC-1 .
出处 《吉林医药学院学报》 2014年第5期324-326,共3页 Journal of Jilin Medical University
基金 吉林省教育科学规划课题(GH11249) 吉林医药学院高等教育教学研究重点资助项目(2012-2014) 吉林省科技厅中青年科技创新领军人才及团队项目(20130521018JH)
关键词 线粒体膜电位 碳酰氰基-对-氯苯腙 流式细胞术 mitochondrial membrane potential CCPC flow cytometry
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