
一部揭露残暴、诠释现实的小说——罗伯特·波拉尼奥《护身符》的解读 被引量:1

A Reading of Amulet by Roberto Bolao
摘要 智利作家罗伯特·波拉尼奥被誉为20世纪末最重要的拉丁美洲小说家,1999年出版的《护身符》是其代表性作品,成为串联《荒野侦探》与《2666》的纽带。这是一部揭露残暴罪行的小说,通过女主人公的第一人称叙事,将读者带进20世纪六七十年代拉丁美洲动荡的岁月。作者通过重复、模糊、拼贴等方式讲述历史,嵌入思考,最终汇成具有象征意义的梦呓。这部作品是作家创作智慧的结晶,更是那个时代拉丁美洲血腥现实的写照。 Amulet,written by the Chilean writer Roberto Bolao,one of the most important novelists in Latin America at the end of the 20 th Century,was published in 1999,linking up Savage Detectives and 2666.The novel,narrated in the first-person of one woman's voice,embodies the cruel and violent history of Latin America in the 60 sand 70sof the 20 th Century.The history is narrated hallucinatorily by resorting to repetition,ambivalence and collage,etc.This,combined with occasional reflections,turns the novel into symbolic somniloquence.This novel is the crystallization of the author's wisdom and also a vivid reflection of the bloody reality of Latin America of that time.
作者 郑雯
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期79-86,159,共8页 Foreign Literature
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金
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