Human civilization can be ameliorated by human creativity. Innovation and progress of human civilization result from a change in our thinking patterns, thus, potentially transforming the present into a creative future. Accentuating the role of creativity in design even more than other disciplines pushes one to underpin the understanding of creativity as a key role player in architecture. Furthermore, by identifying the basic principles of our ingenuity/creativity, researchers might be able to enhance this ability in the future. A key point in "creativity" is the role of previously gained experiences, which cause expanding the inventory of experiences. According to accepted def'mition in different disciplines, creativity is no more than new combinations of previous ideas. The paper explores different effectual parameters correlated with creativity in architectural design including notion of conceptual blending, improbabilist and impossibilist creativity, tolerance of ambiguity and its correlation with creativity and creativity aided tools and interfaces. At the end, we suggest necessary experiments to obtain empirical results for some speculations that are discussed in the paper. Also, practical approaches will be suggested to apply the results in pedagogy of architecture.