
生食金枪鱼肉冷藏过程色泽变化 被引量:1

Color changes of ready- to- eat raw tuna fillets at different cold storage temperatures
摘要 对解冻生食黄鳍金枪鱼肉0、2、4、6、8℃冷藏过程中色泽变化进行研究,用高铁肌红蛋白相对含量、色差等指标评价品质,获得生食金枪鱼肉冷藏色泽变化规律。结果表明:0、2、4、6、8℃冷藏过程中高铁肌红蛋白相对含量达到50%的时间分别为40、48、24、20、18h,同时与感官评定显著相关(p<0.01)。色泽变化配对T检验分析表明a*(红度值)和ΔE(色差值)与冷藏温度和时间有较高关联度,温度越高,色差值变化越大,6、8℃冷藏色差值变化显著,但0℃色差值变化却大于2℃。同时建立了高铁肌红蛋白含量随时间变化规律的动力学模型,模型符合一级动力学反应方程。冷藏温度对反应速率常数的影响用Arrhenius方程描述,有较高的拟合精度。 The changes of color during cooling storage quality of thawing raw-eaten yellowfin tuna steaks in 0,2,4, 6℃ and 8℃ were studied.In the process of cooling storage, the relative content of metMb and color difference were tested to evaluate the quality and achieve the law of quality change.The time of the relative content of metMb reached 50% at 0,2,4,6 and 8℃ was 40,48,24,20 and 18h, respectively.And the relative content of metMb had a significant relation with sensory evaluation ( p 〈 0.01 ). Change of color combined with T test showed that a * (redness value)and AE(color difference)had higher correlation degree with cooling temperature and time.The higher the temperature,the bigger change the color difference had.There was a significant color difference at 6℃ and 8℃, but the color difference at 0℃ was bigger than 2℃.The dynamic model on the content of metMb changing with time was built. The model was accord with the first kinetics equation. The influences of cooling storage temperature on reaction rate constant were described by Arrhenius equation, which had a higher fitting precision.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第23期338-341,371,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划"863"计划(2012AA092302)
关键词 生食金枪鱼肉 冷藏 色泽 Ready-to- Eat raw tuna fillets cooling storage color change
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