【目的】针对高水平期刊文献的中文导读这类特定的新闻信息,构建一套自动汇聚医学网站新闻系统,实现关键词提取、分类及期刊导航等二次数据加工功能。【应用背景】为图书馆开展主动推送及学科服务提供国外学术研究信息源。【方法】利用Http Client与HtmlP arser构建主题网页采集器,实现新闻列表页及内容采集。利用IK Analyzer2012分词器及医学主题词表实现关键词提取及学科分类。【结果】系统实现指定网站新闻的自动采集、关键词提取、学科分类归属等功能。【结论】为图书馆员开展学术信息推送及学科化服务等提供一套行之有效的工具,为医学研究者纵览学术进展提供一站式访问。
[Objective] Aiming at Chinese news of medical research literature published on top journals, design an automatic gathering system which can gather news from different medical news websites, extract content and keywords, realize the subject classification and journal navigation. [Context] Provide information source of foreign academic research for active push and subject services. [Methods] Using HttpClient & HtmlParser to build Web-page collector, realize the news list page and content acquisition. Using IK Analyzer 2012 and MeSH to realize medical keywords extraction and subject classification. [Results] The system achieves automatic gathering, keyword extraction and subject classification of specified website news. [Conclusions] Librarians can use this system to provide effective medical academic information push service for medicine researchers.
New Technology of Library and Information Service