2U S hypersonic missile test failed shortly after takeoff, ht- tp://www, flightglobal, com/news/articles/us-hyper son- ic-missile-test-failed-shortly-after-takeoff-402981/, 2014- 08-25.
3Debra G Wymer. Advanced Hypersonic Weapon flight test overview to the Space dr Missile Defense Conference. U S Army Spaee and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, 2012.8.
4Bill Gertz. Congress funds Army~ hypersonic missile after Chinese strike vehicle test. http://www, foxnews, corn/ polities/2014/05/29/congress-funds-armys-hypersonie- missile-after-chinesestrike-vehiele-test/, 2014-05-29.
5U S congress grants US $ 70m budget to develop hyper- sonic missiles, http://www, wantchinatimes, cony/news- subelass-ent, aspx? id = 20140601000037dreid = 1101, 2014-06-01.
6Advanced Hypersonic Weapon flight test 2 hypersonic technology test environmental assessment. 2014.4.
7Lopez C Todd. Army on budget, on schedule with hyper- sonic missile program, http://www, army. mil/article/ 121957/Army_on_budget_on_sehedule_with_hypersonie_ missile_program/, 2014-03-14.