Thin films of Cu2 x S(x = 0, 1) were deposited on self-assembled, monolayer modified substrates in the copper–thiosulfate system with various concentrations of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) at a low temperature of 70 8C. The thin films were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscope(XPS), field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The optical and photoelectrochemical(PEC) properties of the Cu2 x S semiconductor films were investigated by ultraviolet–visible(UV–vis) absorption spectroscopy and a three-electrode system. It is found that EDTA plays a key role in the process of Cu2 x S nanocrystals formation and growth. The compositions of the Cu2 x S nanocrystals varied from Cu2S(chalcocide) to Cu S(covellite) through adjusting the concentration of EDTA, which is used as a complexing agent to yield high-quality Cu2 x S films. The growth mechanisms of Cu2 x S nanocrystals with different EDTA concentrations are proposed and discussed in detail.
Thin films of Cu2 x S(x = 0, 1) were deposited on self-assembled, monolayer modified substrates in the copper–thiosulfate system with various concentrations of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid(EDTA) at a low temperature of 70 8C. The thin films were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscope(XPS), field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The optical and photoelectrochemical(PEC) properties of the Cu2 x S semiconductor films were investigated by ultraviolet–visible(UV–vis) absorption spectroscopy and a three-electrode system. It is found that EDTA plays a key role in the process of Cu2 x S nanocrystals formation and growth. The compositions of the Cu2 x S nanocrystals varied from Cu2S(chalcocide) to Cu S(covellite) through adjusting the concentration of EDTA, which is used as a complexing agent to yield high-quality Cu2 x S films. The growth mechanisms of Cu2 x S nanocrystals with different EDTA concentrations are proposed and discussed in detail.
the Person with ability introduce and scientific research item of northwest university for nationalities(No.xbmuyjrc1201204)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.31920140083)for providing the financial support