Let S be a smooth algebraic surface and let L be a line bundle on S.Suppose there is a holomorphic two form over S with zero loci to be a curve C.We show that the DonaldsonThomas invariant of the P^1 scroll X = P(L+Бs) vanishes unless the curves being enumerated lie in D = P(L︱C+БC).Our method is cosection localization of Y.-H.Kiem and J.Li.
Let S be a smooth algebraic surface and let L be a line bundle on S.Suppose there is a holomorphic two form over S with zero loci to be a curve C.We show that the DonaldsonThomas invariant of the P^1 scroll X = P(L+Бs) vanishes unless the curves being enumerated lie in D = P(L︱C+БC).Our method is cosection localization of Y.-H.Kiem and J.Li.
Partially supported by Hong Kong GRF(Grant No.600711)