5-6 November 2013, the International Conference on China--French Constitutional Review took place at the Mingde Law Building, Renmin University of China. The academic conference was host by the Law School of Renmin University, the Institution of Constitutional Law in China, the Institution of Constitutional Law in France and the Law School of Aix - Marseille University. More than 50 constitutional scholars from Aix - Marseille University, University Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, Aix Political College, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China etc. attended this symposium. This report summarizes some of the arguments and results presented, and offers some review and reflection on the contents.
5-6 November 2013, the International Conference on China--French Constitutional Review took place at the Mingde Law Building, Renmin University of China. The academic conference was host by the Law School of Renmin University, the Institution of Constitutional Law in China, the Institution of Constitutional Law in France and the Law School of Aix - Marseille University. More than 50 constitutional scholars from Aix - Marseille University, University Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV, Aix Political College, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China etc. attended this symposium. This report summarizes some of the arguments and results presented, and offers some review and reflection on the contents.