
An Analysis of China's Power Status and International Standing

An Analysis of China's Power Status and International Standing
摘要 Many Chinese scholars have described China as the world's second biggest power after the U.S.. This is based on two facts. First, China overtook Japan in total economic output measured by GDP in 2010 to become the world's second biggest economy. Some scholars argue that China still lags behind the U.S. in comprehensive national power and in this sense it is also ranked second) The other is that Sino-U.S. relations are frequently described as the rise and fall of big powers, especially when referring to the Asia-Pacific region. It is the latest example of how relations between a rising power and one struggling to maintain its status have been so complex in the long history of international relations. While many people talk about the possibility that China will overtake the U.S. in the future, others talk about a G2.2 If we look closely at global trends and changes to China' s international environment, if we examine what exactly we mean by power status, we will have a much deeper understanding of China' s current power status from which we can build a solid foundation for this country' s foreign strategy and diplomacy. China's rise has attracted a lot of attention in the world. World situation and international security environment change has provided opportunity for China to have a new understanding of status and position. China needs to think more accurately and deeply about its own status for the sake of its foreign strategy and diplomatic work.
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2014年第5期53-65,4,共13页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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