Assaults on "soft" targets are increasing. Since terrorists choose location precisely because of the strong possibility of fatalities and injuries to a mass of unwitting people, counterterrorism strategists must diligently plan to prevent these intensive attacks. As compared to military guards and trained security forces, shoppers and hotel guests are more likely to be paralyzed with confusion in a comprehensive assault by a small group of individuals who have practiced coordinated moves for months. This essay probes the rationale behind the attacks and threatened attacks, and surveys prevention and countermeasures adopted in some countries.
Terrorist attacks on hotels, shopping centers, schools, and other "soft" targets signal that the powers of organized international terrorism are in decline, even while fatalities, kidnapping, and fear engendered among the populace produce great mental anguish. For maximum publicity and symbolism, terrorist groups have plans for massive devastation even on people staying at upscale hotels, vacationing, or taking a cruise ship. Using movement tracking and advanced security technology, countries have heightened their protection of these so-called soft targets—non-military, non-governmental public sites that are vulnerable to many civilian casualties.